I've also become a fan of "The Luminous Landscape". It's run by a guy named Michael Reichmann, who seems to do mainly landscape photography. He uses a variety of formats and his site attracts posts from people using everything from prosumer digital to 4x5 film cameras (and, on occasion, even larger formats). It's nice to see a site that isn't spending all its time debating digital vs. film. He's also big on the idea that it's the photographer, not the equipment, that makes the photograph. To prove it, he recently posted an article on the FunkyCam, a twenty dollar digital camera. Seeing a print of a photo he'd made with it, his wife, unaware that he'd shot it on this cheap-o camera, declared that it was some of his best work. And he does very nice stuff, as you'll see if you visit his site.
Now, speaking of the film vs. digital debate, if you want some fun, try Ken Rockwell's site. He's evidently got money to burn, and is thrilled with that fact. He loves his new toys, and loves to share the love with his readers. He's also endlessly fascinated by the fact that 4x5 film produces better images than his Nikon dSLRs. I still haven't figured out why he finds this so interesting. Wouldn't you expect a 20 square inch sensor to produce better images than one that's barely 1 square inch (if that)? But, he's fun to read and, if you're a Nikon owner (or want to be), he's always trying out their latest equipment and writing about it.
ummm... just one thing: ken r isn't particularly known for trying equipment before he reviews it. in fact he's repeatedly posted 'reviews' of cameras he hasn't so much as seen before they have been released to market. but hey, i guess it's working for him.
btw, do you have to get rid of all the politics?
Yeah, but he's a hoot to read. As for politics, oh, they'll probably creep back in.
"He's also endlessly fascinated by the fact that 4x5 film produces better images than his Nikon dSLRs."
You said it! :)
Ken is so far out.
His reviews apparently have to be taken with a large grain of salt, he is widely reported to just make things up.
See my blog for new article about the nikon superzoom:
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