I just knew I'd have a chance to use this picture again! Yes, Smirkin' Steve Harper, our very own "Mini-Dubya", has issued yet another "
Just zip it!" order, this time to his Chief of Defence, General Rick Hillier. Seems the General actually voices genuine opinions when he speaks, rather than the finely-crafted, content-free sound bites that the Smirk would prefer. Heaven forfend that Canadians should be given actual information! Who knows what they might do with it? Why, they might vote the Smirk out of office at their earliest opportunity! Which, given the pretty much total unpopularity of Smirk's new child-care measures, might just be sooner than he'd like. Much as I hate seeing all that tax money wasted on yet another election, getting rid of this nit would, I think, be worth it.
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