Load what?, would be my question. No loading bay. No obvious product. Which reminds me...
The Smirk hasn't got any ideas worth loading either. Here in Vancouver, steps have been taken to reduce the harm done by drug addiction through the establishment of safe injection sites. Deaths due to overdoses have been cut, as has the rate of HIV transmission due to needle sharing. The Smirk's response? "Duh. I dunno." Maybe he'll have a better notion after he's talked to his idol, Dumbya, next week. Care to make any bets which way he'll go?
What in god's name did we do to deserve this moron? On the other hand, evidently he is going to take darn firm steps against those nasty street racers. Punishment he understands. Compassion (despite being, by his own claims, a committed Christian (you know - those folks who claim to be big into forgiveness and redemption?)) he's not too clear on.
Like I said - this guy's a national embarrassment. My apologies to intelligent people everywhere.
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