A little urban exploration while on the way to the movies.
And, it looks like the Republican base is getting an I.Q. test from their leader this week. Yep, with his numbers sinking faster than the Titanic, dragging his party down with him (and, of course, deservedly so) Dumbya pulls out the "Gay Marriage Is An Outrage Against All That's Godly And American" card. The question is, will they fall for it? Come on, kiddies - he hasn't said a word in 6 years, now his numbers are in the toilet and he pulls out your favourite oogy-boogy issue. Do you really think he's sincere? Do you?
And, for that matter, do you really care? Why? Can you really be that stupid? Like I said - it's an I.Q. test.
Wonderfully enough - I'm betting America passes. Yes, there'll always be morons, but they'll be minority morons.
And, hey, if America fails, come on up north. We've got our own morons, too, but nobody (except Smirkin' Steve Harper - our very own Great White Dope) listens to 'em.
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