"BBT", for the uninitiated, stands for "bubble tea". One of these days I've got to go in and try out their wares.
In the world of news - hear the story about the dimwit who packed dynamite in his check-in luggage? Apparently the guy's a university student. In mining engineering. Now, about that comparison involving a bag of rocks and intelligence?
And, speaking of bags of rocks and intelligence, well, I just can't resist. George Bush reading Camus?!? Riiiiiiiiiight.
Closer to home, Mr. Dithers has finally made up his mind and ordered himself a shiny new Nikon D50 with the basic 18-55. About time, huh?
Furthermore, after a mere 4 months, I've finished "Tristram Shandy". Heck, it took Sterne 9 years to write it - I don't feel too badly having taken 4 months to read it. And very worthwhile, too. Would that there were a life after death - I'd love to meet the guy. Oh, well.
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