Well, that was an adventure. But, I'll get to that. This is a shot of part of the harbour in Tofino, a small town on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Go west from here and Japan is your next stop. For those of you contemplating a trip to Tofino, I'd say forget it. If there's a winning feature to the town, I didn't see it. Kitsch, kitsch and, just in case you can't get enough, more kitsch. Crawling with people (almost none of whom actually live there), cars, RVs and hucksters, it's just no place for a civilized human being.
On the other hand, Long Beach, which is on the way to Tofino, does have some beauty left - although that, too, is fading fast. When I visited this area back in the late 1970s there was nothing but forest, sand, rocks and ocean. Now, large summer(?) homes line the shore. I could as easily have been in West Vancouver (which is part of Vancouver, the city).
Ucluelet, on the other hand, still resembles a small coastal fishing town. It hasn't yet turned itself into a cheap replica of one the way Tofino has. Go there. But, go soon, because the process of transformation is beginning.
More on the Big Adventure later...
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