Looking east from the Jericho Sailing Club.
And, today (depending, at least, on your time zone and when you read this) is That Day - the fifth anniversary of George Bush's favourite holiday - 9/11. Sorry to be cynical, folks, but that's how it is.
That there was never a conncection between the events of that day and Iraq is pretty well established. Osama isn't, and never was, in Iraq. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. In fact, up until Saddam got uppity and invaded Kuwait, he'd been a great pal of America. He hated Iran, America hated Iran - it was a match made in Heaven.
So, why did Dumbya attack Iraq? Who knows? He's terminally stupid? He's insane? He's just as much a lunatic as Osama? Whatever...
So far he's gotten just about 3,000 Americans killed there - same number as died on 9/11 - and you know there will be many, many more. And he's had about 45,000 Iraqi civilians killed - 15 times the number of people killed in the Towers. Meanwhile, Osama remains safe and sound in Pakistan.
So, why isn't Georgie invading Pakistan? Well, there's no oil there, for starters. And, of course, there's the fact that Pakistan actually does have weapons of mass destruction and the ability to use them. Not to mention sheltering the man most responsible for ensuring that every nutbar government or terrorist in the world who wants them has access to nuclear weapons - the magical A. Q. Khan.
Tomorrow (as it sits at the moment in my time zone) the BU_ _ SH_ _ machine will be spewing away full blast. I've never been so glad not to own a television.
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