Do you think perhaps Speaker Hastert should have paid more attention to signs like this last spring?
The next big question, of course, is do you think the American electorate will finally express some disgust with these Republican hypocrites and send them packing come November? Do you think they'll finally hold the Republicans (and that great Republican War President), the folks who screamed about how important it was to balance the budget and then ran up a level of debt for America that has never been seen for any country in human history, responsible for the fact that all Americans now owe their homes to China? Or for the fact that America is sinking deeper and deeper into a war that should never have started in the first place and that can't now, with any kind of moral credibility, be abandoned? Or, consider health care...
November. What an interesting month that's going to be.
You have so much built up anger for the American leadership. Deep breaths, DEEP breaths!
Me? Peeved with those guys? Oh, piffle.
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