They just sit there, taunting, "C'mon, dry me. I dare you." Or is the current non-stop deluge just starting to get to me?
But, back to politics. I'm sure a lot of Americans, now that the Democrats have taken back the reins from the dimbulbs, lunatics and crooks who've held them for the past few years, are thinking, "Oh, yay! At last we can get out of Iraq!". Well, no, you can't. Ever hear the old saying, "You break it, you've bought it"? Well, America broke Iraq, and now America owns it. It would be morally indefensible to try to just say, "Oops. Sorry. Our mistake," and hit the road, wishing everyone who would then be about to die "Good luck!".
Thanks to Dumb George and his Criminal Sidekicks, a stable country, albeit one run by a tyrannical lunatic murderer (originally aided by America), is now a maelstrom with no safe place for any of its citizens. A country where the rules, draconian as they may have been, at least existed. Now the place is lawless and no one has a clue what the "rules" might be. Who's fault is it? Well, um, yours. You elected that meathead. You backed his war. You let him do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. Clinton - blow-job, bimbo? remember? - him you wanted impeached and wouldn't let him get a thing done until you'd raked him over every coal available at least twice. But, George? He lied to you (but in the name of security), he hacked away at your civil rights (but, only as a measure in the on-going and noble war on terrorism), he gutted environmental protection laws (sure, but only so his friends could make lots of money), he mortally pissed off every ally America ever had (well, yeah, but they're all Frogs!), he pretty much bankrupted America (but the rich are even richer - that's good, isn't it?) - in short, he screwed America big time. But, is that grounds to impeach him? So far there doesn't seem to be a lot of movement in that direction. Might there be, at last, a small civic awakening? Might some attention be paid to the very real criminality of this jerk? Is this too much to hope? Oh, probably.
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