Well, it's not exactly stygian, but...
Yes, Saddam will soon be crossing the Styx to join the thousands he acted as travel agent for. This is what I love about society - a guy murders a bunch of people, so, to punish him and show how much such acts are disapproved of, he himself is murdered. Now, my memory is fuzzy, but it seems to me that I've often heard some saying along the lines of, "Two wrongs don't make a right". State-approved murder isn't any better than plain old murder. Let's face it, Saddam's murders were, at the time, "state-approved". Oh, well.
Of course, this picture could also call to mind the folk song, "Neck Deep in the Big Muddy". And that, of course, would bring us to The Great White Dope, George "I Never Met a Stupid Idea I Couldn't Fully Embrace" Bush. Will next week bring his little reign of stupidity to an end? Slow it down, at least? "I hope it can, I hope it can, I hope it can..."
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