O.K., they're not exactly vultures, but they are scavengers and, symbolically at least, harbingers of doom. Now, what's the secret meaning behind this photograph, you ask? Well, take a look at the top of the screen, left side, where the "blogger" logo is. Now, scan right. See the "Flag Blog" button? That's the harbinger of doom for Blogger. It lets people alert the folks controlling Blogger to the fact that your blog contains "objectionable material". Who appointed Google the world's nanny?
O.K., here goes:
The "Flag Blog" idea is really, really stupid and an infringement on free speech.
I'm pro-choice.
I'm an atheist.
George Bush is a cretin who will go down in history as the worst president the U.S. has ever had.
He, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and a host of others should be arrested for criminal stupidity and arrogance. Not to mention being responsible for the deaths of thousands of Iraqi citizens.
Capitalism is a good thing.
Government oversight of industry is a good thing.
Libertarianism is for the really stupid folks among us.
All drugs - heroin, amphetamines, marijuana, LSD, etc. - should be legalized.
The death penalty is simply murder under another name and should be abolished.
Lenny Bruce was right.
Socialized medicine is a good thing.
Prostitution should be legalized.
Any flags yet? (Oh, yeah - I'm all in favour of burning those, too).
Wow, I didn't know you were against the death penalty. So do you think So Damn Insane should be spared?
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