I trust no one's thinking I'm getting morbid with all these skull shots. I just think they're (skulls, not necessarily the shots) nifty.
In this photo, you can see a number of seams between the various bones that make up your skull. Dead center (so to speak) is the temporal bone - the one that looks a bit like Australia. The little round hole below it, about midway, is your auditory canal. Sticking out and projecting forward is the zygomatic bone. It meets up with another bit - the temporal process - coming back from a bone in your face, the (funnily enough) zygomatic bone. Together, these two extensions form your cheekbones.
Your forehead, of course, is the frontal bone, and you can see the clear seam where it joins up with the parietal bone that forms most of the top of your head.
The long, smooth line, as you've probably guessed, isn't natural. It's been cut to allow a look inside the skull. Naturally, the brain's been removed.
And, speaking of brains removed (you've been waiting for this, right?), our own P.M. (that's Prime Moron), Smirkin' Steve Harper has once again shot himself in the foot. Yep, on Super Bowl Sunday, he and his party, the Refor...er...Conservative Party, are planning to run ads attacking Stephan Dion's (the leader of the Liberal Party) record on combating climate change during the time Mr. Dion was the Liberal government's Environment Minister. The Smirk's party is trying to position itself as Canadians' best friend when it comes to this fight. Riiiiiigggghhhht. Did Smirk really think no one would remember? Probably. Smirk's motto? "No brains, no headaches".
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