Now, that's deluxe accomodation, isn't it? It is if you've got no other place to go. If you're terminally umemployed for one reason or another. Trouble is, the Olympics are coming to town, and cheap joints like this are being rapidly converted to accomodations suitable for our future out-of-town guests. The poor will just have to find someplace else to stay. The question of "where?", of course, hasn't actually been addressed. Beyond, I suppose, "Anywhere but here!", that is.
Meanwhile, if you'd like to do a little time travelling, go get Orson Welles's "A Touch of Evil". Two good reasons. One, it's a great movie. Welles was one hell of a film maker (and a darn fine actor, too). He ended his life as a joke, but that wasn't entirely his fault. Two, the notion of "evil" has definitely changed. Imagine the scenes with Janet Leigh and the bad guys today. Things have definitely not gotten better.
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