Interesting gardening style, don't you think?
Nice to see the Bush administration taking a couple more good hits - the Supremes dumped on the EPA, Alberto Gonzales cancels his vacation plans to study up ways to explain his lies in regard to the federal prosecutor firings. Given the high-powered lawyers who are coaching him, how much do you think Al's studies are costing taxpayers? Given that, according to him, he did nothing wrong, what's he need the coaching for? Aside from all that evidence suggesting that he did, that is.
Meanwhile, up here in the Far North, our current fearless leader and his team seem to be working hard to figure out a means of scuttling gay marriage. Apparently they're suffering from a confusion between things said and acts committed since they're trying to claim that a minister's refusal to perform such a ceremony is simply an exercise of that minister's freedom of speech. These guys just won't quit. One thing having no brains will do for you - fabulous persistence. I'd use mules as an example, but I don't want to insult them.
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