How's that for product placement?
And, in the grand tradition of this blog of keeping up with the latest developments in.....um......pretty much whatever strikes my fancy, this just in from the "Why Everyone Should Get a Decent Science Education" desk. Let's see, shark cartilage doesn't contain many blood vessels....hmmmmm.....interesting. Of course, neither does human cartilage. Or the cartilage of any other animal, for that matter. So, shark cartilage's use as a cancer therapy would be what? Oh! None.
And, I love the comments of "...Debra L. Barton, an associate professor of oncology at the Mayo Clinic"..., lead researcher in a study on ginseng: “The theory is ginseng would help the body moderate the negative things going on,” she said." Now that's science at its finest. If only we could control those darn old "negative things", boy, we'd be able to lick that mean old cancer thingee. Evidently, Dr. Barton didn't get much of a science education either. I wonder if she had one of those Barbie dolls, when she was a kid, that said, "I don't like math - it's too hard!" With "scientists" like her in the news, scientists don't need enemies. Gad - no wonder George "Dumb As A Post" Bush has such an easy time trashing rationality.
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