Here you go - a musing on metaphor or a consideration of the notion that the camera never lies. A young woman walking home along an empty big-city street. Has she anyone she's going home to? Is she all alone in the big city? Is the city so very cold and uncaring?
Hard to say, but I can tell you there were about 15 people waiting for a bus just outside the frame to the left, and another half-dozen or so waiting at the crosswalk just to camera right. Oh, and the near-endless streams of traffic in both directions that I had to wait patiently for a break in. Not to mention the bunch of people who kept crossing the frame on my side of the street.
And - a bulletin! Thanks to a comment on a post on Doug Plummer's site, I have found my people! My calling! My niche! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it turns out I am a flâneur! Is that exciting, or what? Je suis un flâneur! (O.K. - did I mention that it's really, really hot in Vancouver right now?)
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