One day, George Bush, like all of us, will die. Nowhere near soon enough, but, following the old saying, "Only the good die young," well, we've got to give him credit for reinforcing an old saying, right? Anyway, I'm absolutely convinced that, were an autopsy to be done, his cranium would be found to be absolutely empty. No indication whatsoever that a brain had ever actually occupied the space would be found. Indication number one? This little story. And, of course, his latest lame excuses for pursuing the "war" in Iraq. Talk about incapable of learning. And yet, there's no serious move to remove this cretin from office. Let's go over this one more time - Bill Clinton got a blow-job. George Bush has murdered tens of thousands of people.
Reminds me of the movies. American films can show people being shot, burned, dismembered, blown to teeny little pieces, tortured...you name it, no atrocity is impermissible. Show two people fucking, however, and all hell breaks lose. Do you people know where babies come from?
love the commentary today... impeach the mutherfucker today!
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