Wouldn't it be great? Just a few short stairs to enlightenment? Or is that the glow of the Heavenly Check-In desk? Uh-oh.
Went to see "In the Valley of Elah" today. Gooood movie. Which is sort of amazing, really, when you consider that Tommy Lee Jones has one character that he plays over and over - flinty-eyed, strong-jawed, unsmiling, cranky - and Charlize Theron, well, can't really act. She tries darn hard, though. Both, however, work very well in this movie. T.L.J.'s role is a flinty-eyed, strong-jawed, unsmiling, cranky guy, so, who better to play him? And Charlize's character is there, um, well, to provide a softer (in a tough kind of way) contrast to T.L.J. Regardless, this is most definitely a movie worth seeing. Well written, well directed, well photographed.
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