O.K., I'm getting very confused. First the U.S. decides to maybe take a valid moral stand and suggest that the Turks maybe shouldn't'a oughta murdered all those Armenian folks so long ago - presumably with the intent that the Turks might actually apologise for their historic error, and maybe even stop killing Turkish citizens who express similar ideas. The Turks had made it pretty plain that they'd be peeved about this, but the States might go ahead and do it anyhow. Yay! And now Dumbya meets with the Dalai Lama?!? Despite the rather strongly expressed objections of America's owners, the People's Republic of China? To use a text-messaging acronym, WTF?!? Do you think maybe he thought he was meeting a furry quadruped?
But, wait! This just in! The spines in Washington are beginning to soften! Whew! Just when I was beginning to think politicians might actually be capable of moral fortitude. And, as usual, note the Party working behind the scenes to take the stiffening out of those spines. Republicans - the party of morality. Not for morality, mind you.
And, the Darwin Awards come to modern communications. Is there a text-messaging short form for "S-T-U-P-I-D"?
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