While our pals to the south are enjoying Thanksgiving, our mighty Refor......er, Conservative government is, once again, displaying its "Musharrafian" ("Opposition? I see no opposition) tendencies. And doing its utmost to delay any meaningful moves on the climate disaster.
And, while we're on the subject of some things never changing, there's this review from the New York Times of a recent Sly and the Family Stone concert. I went to one of their concerts in (oh, golly) 1969? and it was exactly the same. Wait, wait, wait some more, wait, here they come, they're coming, wait, wait, wait, yes!, no, yes!, 3 songs, gone. You've got to admire consistency. And the music. Of course, if you plan on admiring the music, you're probably best to admire it on CD.
On the other hand, some things do - and for the worse. Sorry, folks, but I made the grievous error of updating my template. "It's new! It's fun! It's easy!", quoth the Boneheads of Blogger. It ain't. You'll notice the layout's now completely screwed up. Now, were I at all interested in learning HTML (or whatever Blogger uses), I'm sure I could fix it all up in almost no time (depending on your notion of what constitutes "no time"), but I'm not. The old template worked the way computers are supposed to work for most of us - "Yeah, that's what I want - click." And, looking for help on Blogger's pointless, too. Can you say, "opaque"? Oh, well. We'll all adjust, won't we?
Labels: alley, city, connor, downtown, sly stone, smoke shop, store, street, vancouver, window, windows
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