So, John McCain seems to have won in New Hampshire. Evidently Republicans aren't totally insane. And Rotten Rudy got stomped. Further proof that Republicans aren't totally nuts. Of course, the fact that they're still Republicans means they've got a long way to go before being considered safe for living things to approach without protective gear.
As for the Democrats, talk about a weird conundrum! A black man, a woman, a black man, a woman. Symbolically, either would be a good choice. Substantively? Hmmmmm..........which one to choose? Hillary's got experience and, let's face it, Bill. Barack's got, maybe, some new ideas and maybe even some ideals. Tough choice, folks. It's not as if Washington's a "nice" town, ready to welcome Barack in the role of Mr. Smith. Much as anyone would like to think otherwise, Washington is a pool of very hungry piranha and "ideals" aren't going to keep them at bay. Hillary isn't likely to do much to roil the waters but that, unfortunately, is what really needs doing. Can she make small, but useful, changes in the right direction?
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