And, once again, serendipity works its magic. Yep, lillies. Which, it seems to me, are a fairly common choice at funerals. Like the one that will soon be held for Eliot Spitzer's political career. Gees, what a dolt.
However, on a more celebratory note, there's this story. The writer emphasizes the victory of a Democrat in a once solidly Republican land, but that's missing the point. The guy's a physicist! A scientist! He's not a religious crackhead spouting crap about the world being created in seven days and, for that matter, that it's flat! He's intelligent! He's actually aware of Galileo, Newton, and Darwin! In fact, he's probably aware of Einstein, Feynman, Weinberg, Glashow and Maynard Smith. Among others. He actually lives in the 21st century. Unlike his President.
Labels: connor, eastside, lilies, lillies, sjconnor, spitzer, vancouver
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