Lordy, I hope the saying, "Only the good die young" isn't true. The signs, I have to admit, aren't looking good. How old is Henry Kissinger? How old was Augusto Pinochet when he died? Dick Cheney seems to be hanging in pretty nicely. Nevertheless, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Tony Clement - our very own Health Mangler - will be the exception. Yep, science isn't good enough for him; the law isn't good enough for him - nope. Only God's will that these hideous addicts burn in hell is good enough for a staunch representative of the Refor...er....Canadian Allian.....er, um.......Cons.....no, um, er, um.......Christian Cretin Party.
On the other hand, his continued existence, and that of his compatriots in cretinism, is at least proof of the non-existence of god. Any god worth his/her/its salt would have "called" these pinheads "home" a long, long time ago.
Labels: addict, clement, conservative, cretin, health, heroin, insite, science, stupid
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