Ah, another sunny weekend. Of course, the one in this photo took place about a year ago, but....this weekend was sunny, too! The problem was, instead of wandering the streets looking for photos, I rode my bike across town to exercise my civic duty. Yep. it was time for the Party of my choice to choose its mayoral candidate for fall's civic election, so I went to mark my ballot for the guy I favour. The ride to the polling place was a piece of cake - all downhill. You know what that means for the homeward ride. Heck of a nice day for it, though.
And, a sad update. Yep, Kansas is at it again. The home of cretinous creationism, unintelligent design, and, well, the winner-take-all prize winners in the "World's Largest Concentration of Stupid" prize, not content with - in their Christian zeal - shooting a doctor practicing legal (that's L-E-G-A-L, which means the law says it's O.K., for those Kansans dropping by) abortion, now they're invoking a 19th century law right here in the 21st century, trying to stop the doc. Kansas - on the cutting edge. Fer shure.
Talk about a high embarrassment threshold! Wowee!
Labels: commercial, commercial drive, connor, cretin, eastside, gregor, kansas, mayor, robertson, sjconnor, vancouver, vote
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