Nope. Not my home and not my bike. Looks nice though, doesn't it? Peaceful? Even a tad quaint? It's a great neighbourhood - colourful (wait till tomorrow), vibrant, evidently filled with creative people. Unfortunately, it's also a neighbourhood with a break-in rate that's astronomical. Kinda close to the not-so-nice Downtown Eastside. Too close, really.
But, the point of the photo (at least for now, and, again, by sheer coincidence) is the bike. Friends of mine (you know who you are) are now living deep in the heart of New York City. Talk about vibrant and full of creative people! Zowee! Their car got towed today. Retrieving it cost waaaaayyyy too much money. But, then again, owning a car costs way too much money. Why do people buy these things? I'm riding the same bicycle I bought in 1986. It was pretty pricey at that time - about $1,500.00. A couple of weeks ago I had it serviced. Cost me $200.00. Over the 22 years that I've owned it, that brings the grand total I've spent to maintain it to...ummmmm.....$400.00? Which means it's cost me......holey moley!.....$18.00 a year to own. I ride it to work every day - summer, fall, winter, spring. Sun, rain, snow. I ride it to go grocery shopping. I ride it to go visit friends. I ride it for fun. Tell me again. Why do people buy cars?
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