I'm amazed there isn't a sign outside: "Plenty of underground shopping!". But, there isn't.
Meanwhile, politics is doing its usual thing. Evidently some Democrats are still peeved that Bary beat Hilly and are actually thinking about not voting in the fall, or, in a display of stupidity second only to that coming on a daily basis from the current Administration, thinking about voting for McBush. Every time you think you've seen the deepest depths of human stupidity, somebody just dives a little deeper.
Up here, our esteemed Loser...er, Leader...seems to be planning to call an election. He's doing his best to put the blame on the various opposition parties and their failure to go along with his moronic policies. And, he's abandoning some of his party's more moronic policies at a prodigious rate. Yep, his Gang of Goobers just dumped a bill that would have given rights to fetuses, making it illegal to harm one. Now, as anyone with the IQ of a small invertebrate can see, this was obviously a way to try to make abortion illegal. Just about right for the brightest minds of the Ref...Canadian Alli....Conservative Party - on a good day they're right up there, IQ-wise, with fleas (and ten times as annoying). Other folks can pass their time having fun with counting the number of ways this would turn around and bite these boneheads on their asses. Obviously, since they dumped it, somebody squealed.
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