Ooooh, I'm in big trouble. I've got that "time for a new camera" itch. And it gets worse! I've actually got that "time for two new cameras" itch. Now, it's not totally my fault. The single camera that I crave doesn't exist! I want something I can use long lenses on, wide lenses on, with a decent viewfinder, and that's small and unobtrusive. How hard can that be? Evidently, too.
So, I'm feeling the powerful pull of the Nikon D90 and the almost equally powerful pull of the Panasonic LX3. Agh! The former, obviously, offering the use of a variety of lenses, big photosites on its sensor, multiple focus points, and a whole bunch of other swell things (among which I don't count video - I don't need no stinkin' video) to boot. But, it's big. Compared to the LX3, that is. Which offers tininess, a 24-60 zoom (oh, how I wish it went to 90!), a fast lens (f2-2.8 at the wide open end)...What's a guy to do?
Yeah, well. Meantime, if you're into good photography, buy this book. I just got my copy today and it's real darn good. As an added bonus, here's a link to an interview with Sam Abell, the guy who took the photos. He's an interesting guy who's shot a lot of stuff.
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