Are you as amused (bemused?) by the Republican party as I am? I mean, aren't they the party of "family values", "fiscal responsibility", "chastity", "rule of law", and all those other swell things? Sooooooo, how is it that one of their top-ranking members (well, he used to be, anyway) got caught with his pants down, as the saying goes, and his hand reaching into the toilet stall next door for a little "meet (yeah, you could spell it the other way, but this is a tasteful blog, right?) and greet"? How come they managed to rack up the biggest debt load in American history in only eight short years? How come they embrace unwed teenage mothers? And, how come, when one of their own is convicted on ethics charges (i.e. he's a criminal and he's unethical) they don't fire his ass? Could it be because they're the party of hypocrisy? Or are they just really (and I mean really) stupid?
Labels: republicans
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