I don't know about you, but I'm thinkin' this isn't a bad result, technologically-speaking, from a 14.7 megabite digicam. I mean, the size of the sensor on the thing is about the size of the fingernail on your little finger. Any blur you see is 'cause I was shooting at around 1/15 sec. and holding the camera in a kind of awkward position. And, yep, there's some noise - a very teeny bit, which, considering that I shot this at 200 ISO is pretty amazing. Canon seems to have worked some major magic. Now if only Adobe would hurry up and add the G10 to their RAW converter software so I won't have to go throught Canon's (not bad, but not great), convert it to a TIFF, and work with that in Photoshop.
Working with the G10's going to take some getting used to. I've used SLRs for...um...waaaayyyy too long now, and I'm pretty used to the way they work - how to hold them, where the controls are, etc. Digicams are a different ballgame, obviously. Having to use the LCD for framing and shooting is the biggest challenge. There's just no ideal way to hold the camera, so I always feel in danger of shaking it during the exposure. Still, the LCD is huge (especially compared to my old Nikon 4500), so it's a little like working with an old 6x6 with a waist-level viewfinder (except held vertically now, of course). And I have to admit, it's a mighty nice LCD, too.
So, it's going to take a while to get the hang of the thing (you should see the instruction book and its seemingly endless list of things the camera can do), but I have to admit there's a lot to like about a camera that fits in your pocket (well, a jacket pocket, anyway), and that you can carry fairly inconspicuously in one hand.
we bought a small canon about a year ago for the party/on the go/can't take the big slr with ya kind of shot. It's wonderful to have around. Also, if you haven't already, you should really look into DNG's. The format is a lot smaller than RAW format, with no loss in quality. Adobe provides a converter so you can easily convert and delete you old raw files as you pull them off your card and save yourself A LOT of room. Check it out, you'll like.
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