Ever noticed how web-content providers are totally out of touch with the real world? For example, a year or so ago (?), Blogger decided to "improve" their site. Users were invited to migrate their blogs to the new format. O.K., I'm willing to try new things. Why not? Oh, well, maybe because when I did the entire title portion of this blog went totally out of alignment? With no way to fix it? At least, no way for me to fix it. Maybe if I were inclined to learn to code I could, but I have no interest in code. I've got enough to do, thanks. I've got an actual job, and this is just for fun. The old version worked fine, so why would I fight to make the "new, improved" version work?
Now Wordpress seems to have done the same thing. First they decided that a browser-based photo upload system was ever so "last century" and went to one that's Flash-based. The fact that it didn't work as well didn't seem to bother them. It was so much cooler to use Flash. Now they've totally redesigned their system and, guess what, it doesn't work. How swell is that?
There's a very "last millenium" saying folks might want to pick up on - "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".
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