Phew - got that out of my system. What prompted that long, agonised scream? This article in the NYT. Once again, the morons seem to be winning and people who actually know things are losing. Fuck me! Where do these idiots come from? Oh - wait - in Jim (I Can't Act, But, Wanna See Me Wrap Tape Around My Head?) Carrey's case I actually know! Canada! Crap. How sad is that? Luckily, I have no idea where his bimbo wife (oops - "companion" (I thought that was the new term for "pet", but what do I know?)) comes from. But, golly, if they say vaccines are bad for your kids, they must be, right? Suuuuuuurrrrrrre.
Every year, nearly 200,000 people die of measles alone among the vaccine-preventable diseases. Wanna know where 95% of those people live? Developing countries where people have no access to vaccines. Wanna know how old the majority of those dead people are? Less than 5 years old.
Go, Jim and Jenny! You're so incredible (really!). Golly, you could hook up with Peter Duesberg and Thabo Mbeki and slaughter millions! Think of it!
Labels: carrey, cretin, death, denial, infectious, mccarthy, moron, vaccination, vaccine
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