You know, just when you think things are one way, they turn into something else. Very perplexing, really.
Speaking of which, isn't it about time everyone dropped the "d" from dSLR? Since practically everyone seriously interested in photography, and not shooting professionally, uses a digital camera, how 'bout we just call 'em SLRs? I mean, I never referred to my Nikon FM as a "kSLR" ("k" being "Kodachrome") and my Nikkormat as my "cSLR" ("c" being colour neg film). They're single-lens reflex cameras, folks. Does the photon-recording material really matter that much?
Tell you what, if you buy me a Better Light scanning back for my 4x5 Super D Graflex (SLR) and a Phase One back for my Hasselblads, then I will call them whatever you wish.
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