Yes, O.K. - a little ham-fisted on the burning-in. Kind of like the results of the Iranian election, though, don't you think? Talk about ham-fisted. Gees. If you're going to commit fraud, at least do it subtly.
Meanwhile, on the good news front, there's this. The beginning of the "New Journalism"?
Of course, on the bad news front, especially if you're gay, Obama continues to disappoint. With "fierce advocates" like this, who needs enemies? And let's not forget his fierce opposition to "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". Oh, wait. I forgot. There's nothing to forget. He doesn't oppose it. Is it just me, or does Oby seem to be, shall we say, flexible in his beliefs? Willing to shed a stand that sold well on the campaign trail if it looks like it might actually cost him something now that he's elected? And how's about Guantanamo? He's taken a pretty strong stand there, hasn't he? Hasn't he? C'mon! He has, right? Orrrrrr......maybe not.
Meanwhile, here's something you might consider signing up for. I've got this running on my home and work computers and I've never had a problem or noticed any slowdown.
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