So, in "News of My Cold" - you may remember that I described how suddenly this current cold snuck up on me. One minute I was innocently (and, as far as I knew, in good health) making dinner, and, the next minute, I had a cold. Like flipping a switch. Well, today, coping with the usual signs and symptoms - stuffy nose, lethargy, dopieness, etc. - working away in my office, alone, I thought things were about as bad as they were going to get. I'd given my usual two-hour lecture and all had been well. I suspected nothing. Then, I decided to stretch my legs and wander off to see how the rest of my colleagues were doing. I opened my mouth to speak to one and...nothing but a croak came out. Yes, I am currently voiceless. Five hours, and one cancelled class later, I still can't talk. Granted, there are those who might applaud this, but, frankly, it's really bugging me. On the other hand, there's no one here just at the moment to talk to, so...maybe it's not such a great loss.
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