I give up. America, for a little while there, seemed to be coming out of the terminal insanity of its years spent under the Republicans. Civility, intelligence, rational thought seemed to be once again the dominant forces acting on the body politic. No more. In fact, things are worse than ever. America has gone totally nuts. Or, at least, is on the verge of allowing itself to be taken over by total nuts. Obama's a Nazi! Obama's a communist! Obama's the devil! Not to mention he's Kenyan! Healthcare reform is a Communist plot! Fuck me! Is there absolutely no such thing as honour anymore among Republicans? Do none of those weasels have the guts to stand up to the lunatics promulgating this nonsense? Are they so afraid of losing votes that they'll allow any and all venality to pass unchallenged?
It's truly stunning how low the Republican party has sunk over the past few months. Let's face it, they'd already set records during the Bush era and before. I'm amazed that anyone can actually stomach the notion that these lying hypocrites are considered a national party, representing actual citizens. Frankly, I'd never want to meet the sort of person who would cast a vote for one of these weasels (and, trust me, I sincerely apologize to actual, four-footed weasels).
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