Joe Wilson - Scum-Sucker of the Year. Has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Who is this low-life moron, you ask? Me, too. So, I tried to log onto his official web site tonight. Funnily enough, it's "Down for maintenance". Riiiiiight. Joe should be down for maintenance. Except, of course, that his party is probably just so gosh-darn proud of him.
Oh, my god. I just watched (I don't have a television, so watching in real time is a bit problematic) Obama's speech, and, though it's hard to imagine that it's possible, the Republican party just sank even lower in my estimation. There is no appropriate adjective for how low these people are.
And (and this is somehow vaguely disturbing) I love Rachel Maddow and Barney Frank. My excuse is that, in both cases, it's strictly Platonic (well, apart from Ms. Maddow's really cool glasses). O.K., and their brains.
And (yet again), by the way, governments are elected by you. They're not appointed by some magical committee somewhere. They should, if they're working the way they ought to, be working for you. That is, in this particular case, they should be trying to get you the best health care possible. They should be trying to prevent profiteers ripping you off. Now, try really hard to think (for a change, if you're Republican) about which plan might be better for you: the one that ensures that insurance companies will continue to make ridiculous profits holding your health to ransom, or the one that puts your health above corporate profits; the one that lets you pick any doctor you want (at least, that's how it works here in Canada), or the one that forces you to choose from a list of low-budget incompetents that ensure high corporate (and, therefore, stock-holder) profits. If you like the latter choices in each of these, well, you're a Republican. If you prefer the former options, well, you're a human being.
absolutely SHOCKED by Joe Wilson. Shocked. The lack of respect he showed to his President. What is this? British Parliament?
Exactly! It's a little known fact that that's what 1776 was all about - manners!
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