Rush Limbaugh. Wow - that's a hideous way to open a post, isn't it? A uniquely (I hope) American phenomenon, Rush, along with his TV counterpart, Glen(n?) Beck, represents all that is reprehensible in the human species. Greedy, stupid, powerful, willing to lie for his own (or his owners') gain - the man is undiluted scum (and, yes, I know - that's an insult to scum). And yet he has a listener base in the millions. People believe the things he says. Which says what about his listeners? Human beings can be very depressing if you pay too much attention to them.
Now, you might counter with, "But, Stephen, they can also be beautiful, altruistic, wonderful creatures!" To which I would reply, "I agree. Unfortunately, there seems to be a roughly million to one ratio of scum to good." Need more proof? How 'bout this? I especially like this line: "Among the chief barriers to a comprehensive deal in Copenhagen is Congress’s inability to enact climate and energy legislation that sets binding targets on greenhouse gases in the United States."
And why is there so much trouble getting the American Congress to get its shit together? Oh, please.
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