More from the big Xmas sojourn. Yet another bit of forest I rambled through as a kid.
And this little article from the NYT, sent to me by The Sicilian Princess. Sums up my career-choice process pretty accurately. I can remember taking an aptitude test while I was in my 3rd year of university, and I kept picking all the answers that suggested that I'd get to dress casual, spend my time reading and thinking about things that interested me (rather than some corporate non-problem), talk to smart, interesting people, and pretty much run my own show. Funnily enough, "university professor" came up 'way at the top of the list of possibilities. I could, I suppose, have picked things that would have included "mindless drone", "nitwit", "greedy, scum-sucking bastard", "willing to say or do anything for a buck", "morals that would embarrass a Wall Street banker", but FOX News wasn't around at that time.
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