There's a message there, but it's not terribly clear, is it? Well, that's life on the downtown east side.
Shortly after taking this photograph, I got on a bus and spent the next ten minutes or so talking to a very nice guy about digital photography. The fact that he was a tad, um, different(?) psychologically, was irrelevant. I had my D90 slung over my shoulder, and he asked me how many megapixels it was (Lordy! Marketing is everywhere!), whether it was a combination of digital and film (um, not possible), and telling me about how he'd gotten his 5 MP camera through his profession - dumpster diving. After that he began giving me the rundown on the best "vapourizers" for smoking dope, and suggested that I sign up for a "medical marijuana" permit. I didn't have the heart to tell him that smoking dope comes within a hair's breadth of sending me to hospital (I don't know - I just have this very bad reaction to dope.) That's the great thing about the folks that live in that part of town. They're nice people. Totally nuts, scary-looking, but very nice.
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