O.K., I'm mystified. Who, with an I.Q. above 6, would vote for this guy? What kind of moron (or selfish creep) would say, "Health care? I don't need no stinkin' health care!"? Are there really people out there who believe they'll never need expensive medical treatment? What? Are they planning to kill themselves the instant they get a diagnosis of cancer, or heart disease, or Alzheimer's?
O.K., yes, there are. I know of one. He spent his life whining and complaining about paying into the Canadian system (because, of course, he, like me, is Canadian). "It's too expensive! It's costing me money! I'm fine!" He's not saying that these days. In fact, he's not saying anything. Why? Did he learn his lesson? No, he didn't. In fact, he's never going to learn anything again. A series of strokes has left him pretty much totally fucked. Totally dependent on, you guessed it, the Canadian medical system for his survival...such as it is. He's going to cost the system millions of dollars. He'll never recover, but he will get care. And his family won't have to declare bankruptcy to make sure he does.
Call us crazy. We like to treat human beings like human beings rather than profit potential.
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