Evidently someone decided to trade a baby toy for some real good eatin' Fuji apples. Hmmmm, makes me think there might be a similar trade to be made between the U.S. and Canada. You see, I watched Jon Stewart's interview with Barack Obama tonight, and I got to thinking...Evidently, America doesn't appreciate an articulate, intelligent, motivated-by-the-good president. Someone competent. Someone who'd like to improve the lives of the average citizens of his country. Apparently America wishes Bush & Co. could somehow be returned to power and, so, failing that, Americans are going to at least put the Republicans back in the driver's seat. Well, have I got a deal for you.
While not quite as happy a proposal as Jonathan Swift's original modest proposal, I'd like to offer America our Stephen Harper (about as dumb as Bush, full right-wing credentials (i.e. he'd like to cut taxes, make abortion illegal, and privatize health care), zealous Christian, with the morals of a successful used car salesman) in exchange for your president.
Seriously, folks, there isn't a country in the world that's had as competent a guy running the show since........well.......ever.
If you really want change, then now is definitely the time to vote Democrat. Give 'em 65 votes in the Senate and see what happens. If nothing else, there's no way it could be worse than having the Republicans in power.
Unless, of course, you're actually hoping to see America reduced to sub-third world status.
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