Red's generally acknowledged to be the colour of warning, of stop. How 'bout when it's blood? Do you think the Republicans and their Tea Party Twits will get the hint? They're sure running for cover, aren't they? John Boehner and John McCain decrying the shooting of Giffords and others as ever-so deplorable, wicked, and generally all around mean....after, of course, encouraging such actions for the past two years. And Sorry Palin with her map of targeted politicians? Well, she's taken it down, and offered condolences to the families of the dead and injured (as well as denying, through her press shill, that the symbols represented crosshairs in the first place). Yeah? Cry me a river. Wouldn't it be great if just one of these weasels had enough spine to say they were sorry for encouraging the nuts to show up at political rallies packing heat? Well, that ain't gonna happen. So, wouldn't it be great if Americans simply demanded their resignations? Yeah, well, that ain't gonna happen either. How 'bout demanding stricter gun laws? Hah! Give me a break.
Of course, the terminal irony is the fact that Giffords herself is a strong supporter of gun "rights". How, if I may be so bold as to ask, is it that guns can have rights? Especially rights that trump those of actual human beings.
God bless America. Land o' Grim Entertainment.
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