Nope, I was nowhere near last night's charming events downtown. Why anyone would attend a hockey game is beyond me. I'm thinking, however, that bringing back the pillory mightn't be such a bad idea. No jail time for the clowns responsible, just erect enough pillories to hold 'em all, set 'em out, and let the people of Vancouver come by and give each one of them a good smack in the face. No fists allowed. Just a good, well-delivered, smack. I suspect downtown would sound like endless strings of firecrackers were being set off. Of course, there'd be ice packs for people whose hands got tired or bruised while smacking.
Once that was done, dressing up the idiots in clown suits, shackling their legs, giving them brooms, and making them spend the next year street sweeping, rain or shine, would also seem fitting. A little levity, a little community service - what's not to like?
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