Saturday, January 21, 2012

Another reason I'm not a big Apple fan:

"One former executive described how the company relied upon a Chinese factory to revamp iPhone manufacturing just weeks before the device was due on shelves. Apple had redesigned the iPhone’s screen at the last minute, forcing an assembly line overhaul. New screens began arriving at the plant near midnight.
A foreman immediately roused 8,000 workers inside the company’s dormitories, according to the executive. Each employee was given a biscuit and a cup of tea, guided to a workstation and within half an hour started a 12-hour shift fitting glass screens into beveled frames. Within 96 hours, the plant was producing over 10,000 iPhones a day.
“The speed and flexibility is breathtaking,” the executive said. “There’s no American plant that can match that.”"

Let's see, 8,000 human beings, separated from their families and confined in "dormitories", available to work, without choice, at a moment's notice, their twelve hour shift fueled by a biscuit and a cup of tea.......  Can you say, "slaves"?

The source of the story.  It's all about the reasons high tech companies don't want to "hire American".  Some crazy notion about the sort of conditions being described above being intolerable to American workers.  I mean, gees!  Do you want a job or don't you?


Anonymous The Profligatographer said...

So, then, I take it that you are >not< a fan of Acer, Amazon, Asus, Cisco, Dell, HP, Intel, IBM, Lenova, Logitech, Microsoft, MSI, Motorola, Netgrear, Nintendo, Nokia, Panasonic, Philips, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba, etc.?

After all, "Foxconn assembles 40% of the world's consumer electronics products" and "is the world's largest maker of electronic components, including printed circuit boards". [Wikipedia]

As somebody once claimed someone else said: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" ...or maybe I should make that "Xbox"?


10:44 AM  

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