I finally saw "Match Point", Woody Allen's latest, last night. Definitely worth seeing, though I think I like "Crimes and Misdemeanors" (which it very closely resembles) better. I'm not sure I can really justify the opinion, but "Crimes and Misdemeanors" seems to me to have more weight to it. On the other hand, the influence of luck in a person's life gets put to nice use in "Match Point".
I also watched Sally Potter's "Yes". Also worth watching. Very different. Very good acting from everyone in the film. Very hard to describe properly.
Lastly, everyone ought to run out and buy the June issue of "Harper's Magazine". Art Spiegelman has written a nice article on the whole Danish "Muhammed cartoons" affair. And the magazine's literary editor, Ben Metcalf, has written a killingly funny essay in the magazine's "Notebook" section. I'm sure the folks at the NSA all think so, too.
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