One week till the whirlwind starts up again. For the first time in a while, I'll have actual science students, instead of future mechanics, to teach. Yay!
Don't get me wrong - many of the "future mechanics" (i.e. nursing students) are very nice, but they don't want to understand anything. They want to know how to measure blood pressure, for example, but have no interest in understanding why it might actually be important. As you might imagine, that can get a wee bit frustrating on occasion.
And, if you're looking for a movie to watch, hey, it's bargain night! I've got three for you. Go get "Trois Couleurs...", "...Bleu", "...Blanc", "...Rouge", by Krzysztof Kieslowski. I just finished watching the last one, "...Rouge". Wow. I've seen all three before - years ago, now - but, at least for this one, a second viewing is well worth while. I've got the other two on order and I'm really looking forward to watching them again. I suspect they, too, will prove even better the second time around.
"Trois Couleurs: Rouge" was, unfortunately, the last film Kieslowski made. He died two years later, during open heart surgery. At the time, he was working on three films based on Dante's "Inferno". One can only imagine how great those would have been.
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