The rocky shore near Ucluelet. Given this sort of shoreline, the stretches of sandy beaches and the fast-moving fog, you can imagine how interesting this coast is for people in boats.
Watched "Two Days in the Valley," last night. Heck of a fun film. I especially liked the Italian romance sub-plot. Maybe because I was having pizza for dinner.
Tonight, it's "Citizen Kane". I've never seen the movie in its entirety. Having come across a review of a biography of Welles in "The Atlantic", I figured it was about time. Before you click on the link, you might want to make a quick self-esteem check. This guy was amazing. The link goes to a short excerpt of the review, but it tells you enough.
And, on the "The Smirk Shirks," front, there's this little item about the world AIDS conference going on in Toronto. Note that Bill Gates is the headline, not a head of state (Bill actually gets the problem - millions of people are dying). Further, note the list of dignitaries, at the end of the article, who will be attending. Then note who isn't. Yep. The Smirk. He evidently finds the notion of equipping the Northwest Passage with pop-gun totin' tugboats (O.K. - icebreakers) much more important. How in the name of whatever entity you care to invoke did we get such a moron as our national leader? Where, or where did we go wrong?!?
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