So, listening to the news this morning, Dumbya provided me with my "Start Your Day with a Smile" quote. Apparently, some uppity reporter asked Dumbya why he'd started a war with a country that was obviously no threat to the U.S. (i.e. Iraq), while ignoring the growing and very real threat from another country (i.e. North Korea). Dumbya, proving once again that he really is just a twelve year old boy, tried to throw the blame on the Clinton administration. "Well, they signed a treaty in 1994 with North Korea, in which North Korea promised not to pursue nuclear weapons research. Well, when I took office in 2000, we found that they'd lied!" Aaaaaannnd, so...? You decided that ignoring them was the best plan? You decided that if Bill couldn't control them, there was no way a cretin like you could? You figured that if you attacked an essentially harmless country, you'd still look like a big, brave soldier-boy?
Really, I love this man. That someone so incredibly stupid, so incredibly worthless, so incredibly smug in his total ignorance could become the president of the United States - well, how can you not love him? Really.
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