You might remember that when I began this whole "leaf" thing, I mentioned that within a couple of weeks, rain would come to knock them all down. Well, as you can see, it's here.
And, on the "Just Call Me Her Hero," front...I woke up last night around 3:30. Groggy as I was, I wasn't so groggy that I couldn't figure out that 3:30 on a Sunday morning was no time to be getting up, so I promptly rolled over and set off back down the path to Dreamland. There was just one problem - an intermittent, persistent "brrrrrrrrrriiiiiiinnnnggggggg!" Now, that I was too groggy to process. At least, at first. Gradually it dawned on me that it might be the elevator alarm. Someone is stuck in our elevator at 3:30 a.m.? Isn't anybody going to answer the thing? Evidently not. So, out of bed, get dressed, stumble out to the hallway, listen...yep, someone's stuck in the elevator. Focusing all my brilliant technoligical powers on the problem, I pushed the elevator call button. It moved. The door opened to reveal a very relieved young Chinese woman. She'd been ringing, apparently, for half an hour. She thanked me, hit the button for the first floor, and was gone. I had to admire her courage. If I'd just spent an unscheduled half hour in an elevator, I'd have taken the stairs at that point. I went back to bed.
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