This is more of an "addendum" to yesterday's post (i.e. the 23rd), though it's 2:00 a.m. on the 24th as I type (I told you I'd do my best).
The guy on the left is my former Ph.D. supervisor, Martin. He's pretty good on the guitar, though, for some reason, that rarely shows. Ah, well. He's also (well "duh"!) a pretty darn smart guy. And we have a similar love of music, and similar senses of humour (and, for those of you who actually know me, we're the same age), but, every time we get together (almost) we end up locking horns over something or other. Um, because we're both about as stubborn as people who aren't actually mules can get. Tonight's dispute was "The Taliban - kill 'em all or negotiate with 'em?" Martin was for the "Negotiate" team. Me, I'm not thrilled with people who'll kill first, negotiate later, which has been the Taliban's style from the get-go. You're an educated woman? Bang! You're an educated man? Bang! You don't want to do exactly what we tell you, no matter how stupid/primitive/arbitrary? Bang!
Needless to say, we had a fun time. Oy.
More from the party later.
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